Monday, July 22, 2013

Abstain from Participation

abstain to ward off random arrows

The ability to abstain is not a feature in all casino game. This page begins by looks at game that allow you to abstain and games that do not.

It looks at the various reasons that abstain could help your gambling session.


  1. The body can be forced to create natural breaks. I will elaborate further in my commentary blog.

  2. For addiction prolong usage increase desire. Take a break or you will be hooked.

  3. Marathon is good because it trains your stamina but not all thing is about lasting power. Prolong stimulus cause numbness.

  4. How much productivity can you squeeze out when you are tired? Would a break give more efficiency? In the casino you are fooling around with your money.

  5. Probability will catch up with you if you play every hand. Abstain to look for opportunities. Abstain a few hands may give you a clearer view.
